> 文章列表 > 春节做过的最好的事英语





During the Spring Festival, one of the most enjoyable things I did was participate in the traditional lion dance. This ancient Chinese tradition involves performers wearing lion costumes and dancing to the beat of drums and cymbals. It is believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. I had the opportunity to join a lion dance troupe and learn the intricate moves and gestures. It was an exhilarating experience as we performed in front of a large crowd, bringing joy and excitement to everyone. The vibrant colors of the lion costumes and the rhythmic music created a lively and festive atmosphere. It was truly a highlight of my Spring Festival holiday.


One of the most meaningful moments during the Spring Festival was spending quality time with my grandparents. As we sat around the dining table, enjoying a delicious feast, I listened to their stories and cherished their wisdom. It was a precious opportunity to strengthen the bond between generations and learn from their experiences. We also played traditional Chinese games and exchanged gifts, creating beautiful memories together. This experience made me realize the importance of family and the value of preserving our cultural heritage. The warmth and love shared during this time will forever hold a special place in my heart.


During the Spring Festival, I had a blast celebrating with my family and friends. We gathered together for a grand reunion dinner, feasting on mouthwatering dishes like dumplings, fish, and sticky rice cakes. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and joy as we exchanged gifts and played traditional games. We also went out to watch the spectacular lion dance performances and set off fireworks to welcome the arrival of the New Year. It was an unforgettable experience that made me appreciate the essence of Chinese culture and the importance of cherishing moments of togetherness.


During the Spring Festival,我和妈妈学包饺子。- During the Spring Festival, my mom and I learned how to make dumplings. 之后,全家人聚在一起看春晚。- Afterwards, the whole family gathered together to watch the Spring Festival Gala. 快到午夜的时候,我燃放烟花迎接新年的到来。- As midnight approached, I set off fireworks to welcome the arrival of the new year. 新年第一天,我去给亲友拜年。- On the first day of the new year, I went to visit relatives and friends to exchange New Year greetings. 我特别喜欢春节,因为可以收到压岁钱。- I especially love the Spring Festival because I receive red envelopes with money inside. 我还参加了社区举办的灯笼节,看到了许多美丽的彩灯。- I also participated in the lantern festival organized by the community and saw many beautiful lanterns. 和朋友们一起玩传统的过年游戏,乐趣十足。- I had a lot of fun playing traditional New Year games with my friends. 到庙会上品尝了各种美食,尤其是糖葫芦。- I tasted various delicious foods at the temple fair, especially the sugar-coated haws. 还去庙里祈福,希望新的一年能够顺利平安。- I also went to the temple to pray for a smooth and safe new year. 最后,跟家人一起收拾房间,迎接新的开始。- Lastly, I cleaned the house with my family to welcome a fresh start.


New Year\'s day is my most happy day. In the morning, I woke up early and put on new clothes. The house was filled with the aroma of various festive dishes being prepared by my family. We gathered around the dining table and shared a sumptuous feast, filled with traditional delicacies and homemade treats. After the meal, we exchanged red envelopes and heartfelt wishes. In the afternoon, we visited relatives and friends, spreading joy and laughter wherever we went. In the evening, we lit fireworks and watched the colorful explosions light up the night sky. The day was filled with love, laughter, and the spirit of celebration, making it my most cherished memory of the Spring Festival.

【以“My happy holiday”为题写一篇英语小短文。写春节期间你...

During the winter holiday, I had a fantastic time celebrating the Spring Festival. The festive atmosphere enveloped every corner of the city, with dazzling decorations and lively street performances. My family and I engaged in various traditions and activities, starting with the grand reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve. We exchanged gifts and spent quality time together, appreciating the importance of family bonds. I also loved watching the lion dance performances and joining in the local temple fair, indulging in delicious snacks and witnessing the vibrant cultural performances. It was a joyful and fulfilling holiday, leaving me with lasting memories of happiness and togetherness.


My Spring Festival was made meaningful by a special volunteering experience. During the festival, I joined a group of volunteers to visit a local nursing home. We spent time chatting with the elderly residents, offering companionship and bringing smiles to their faces. I helped organize activities, such as traditional Chinese calligraphy and paper cutting, which brought back fond memories for the residents. It was heartwarming to see their joy and gratitude. This experience taught me the importance of caring for others and appreciating the wisdom of our elders. It was a small act of kindness that made a big difference not only during the Spring Festival but also in my own personal growth.


During the Spring Festival, I had a memorable time exploring various cultural activities. I visited my relatives and friends to exchange New Year greetings and received red envelopes as a symbol of good luck. I attended temple fairs and tasted a wide array of mouthwatering traditional foods. I also experienced the traditional lion dance performances, mesmerized by the colorful costumes and energetic rhythms. The highlight of my Spring Festival was joining a community service project, where I helped distribute essentials to needy families and brought smiles to their faces. It was a fulfilling and enriching experience that made my Spring Festival truly remarkable.