> 文章列表 > 拜年介绍






During the Spring Festival, my family and I gather together to celebrate this joyous occasion. We engage in various activities that strengthen our bond and create lasting memories. First and foremost, we stick couplets on the door to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. The vibrant red color of the couplets signifies prosperity and happiness. Additionally, we set off firecrackers, which not only create a festive atmosphere but also symbolize driving away bad luck. It\'s always a delightful experience for us to enjoy the sound of firecrackers echoing throughout the neighborhood. We also prepare a sumptuous feast, featuring traditional dishes like dumplings, fish, and sticky rice cake, to symbolize abundance and good fortune. These customs and traditions not only bring joy to our family but also help us appreciate our cultural heritage.


The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is celebrated based on the lunar calendar and marks the beginning of the new year. During this time, families come together to honor their ancestors, express gratitude, and wish for a prosperous year ahead. The celebration involves various customs and traditions, such as setting off firecrackers, visiting relatives and friends, and exchanging red envelopes containing money. These activities symbolize good luck, happiness, and the importance of family. The Spring Festival is not only a time for celebration but also an opportunity to strengthen the bonds between family members and promote cultural heritage.












The Spring Festival is very important to us Chinese. When it comes, my family and I have a set of traditions and activities that we follow to celebrate this festive occasion. We start by thoroughly cleaning our home to sweep away any bad luck from the previous year. Then, we decorate our house with colorful lanterns, Spring Festival couplets, and paper-cuttings to create a joyful atmosphere. On the eve of the Spring Festival, we have a family reunion dinner, where we enjoy a sumptuous feast. We also set off firecrackers to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. During the following days, we visit relatives and friends, exchange red envelopes, and participate in temple fairs. We cherish these moments of togetherness and take the opportunity to express our love and gratitude to our loved ones. The Spring Festival is truly a time for family, traditions, and reflection on the past year while embracing the new year with hope and excitement.



  1. 除夕夜团圆饭,不要用汤或者开水泡饭,否则来年好运泡汤。
  2. 除夕夜吃鱼,要留头留尾,预示着连年有余。
  3. 年三十晚上不扫地,以免扫走好运。
  4. 守岁,即整夜不睡,祈求长寿。
  5. 贴对联,喜庆祥瑞的词句,以及祝福语。
  6. 放鞭炮,用声音驱逐恶魔和厄运。
  7. 拜年,互相拜访亲友,送上祝福和礼物。
  8. 吃年货,如糖果、瓜子、花生等,象征着丰收和甜蜜。
  9. 看春晚,欣赏文艺演出,分享欢乐时刻。
  10. 放假游玩,出门旅游,放松身心,享受假期。

